School facilities

Read about the facilities we have for students to use in our school.


Our school has 4 main classrooms and the library which is utilised as a classroom space. All classroom are equipped with an interactive whiteboard.


Our oval is fully fenced and equipped football goals and cricket area. It has a sandpit which is used for long jump on sports day. The oval is lined with trees which the students use as nature play.


In 2011, our new library was opened. This is a fantastic learning space. Besides books and resources, a class set of I-pads are stored here for classroom use. The library is also used as an extra classroom and learning space.

Our library is also our fire safe building. In case of a bushfire, the school will be evacuated to the building and will remain there until directed by the appropriate authorities that it is safe to leave.


Playground and gardens

We have new playground equipment that was added to the existing playground in 2021. We are also lucky enough to have a frog pond and many garden areas around the school. We have a vegetable garden and fruit orchard in the property alongside the school. We also have a bush tucker garden and a pretty garden that is used to attract birds, butterflies and bees.